Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Review Tuesdays Class - 8/28

Last night we continued discussing value and its application. We did three drawings that took the majority of our class period. The first was an exercise in drawing form, beginning with a line gesture, focusing on proportion and the use of visual measurement, and working towards the application of value tones. The second was a positive/negative drawing that forced you to use value rather than line to distinguish the boundaries of forms. In the third and longest drawing, we created a value drawing for which only shading was allowed. This third drawing began with capturing the dark value of the negative space and allowing it to work towards the variety of values that distinguished the detail of the forms. In other words, you were asked to shade and entire image without ever using "the line".

All of these drawings/exercises were intended to force you away from the line and force you to see form in terms of the value. So often we think of drawing as being an illustrative process, focused on the use of technical lines. Neglected is the use of value, which provides the artist the ability to create a greater sense of three-dimensionality in their work.

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