Thursday, August 29, 2013

Preparation for Class: September 2nd

Hello Drawing 1 Students,
Please remember to bring a printed image to class of a Renaissance or Baroque Masterpiece. The image MUST NOT be a thumbnail or detail but an print of the entire image. It does not need to be a color image but it should be a work from those periods (do your research to make sure you aren't using an 'imitation'). We will discuss the purpose of this image at the beginning of class.

Drawing 2 & 3 you will be finishing the final day of your current drawing. Please do your best to finish this image in class but be prepared by first critique to show this drawing.


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Drawing Agenda August 29th

We are going to begin class by looking at art. So, prepare yourselves to have a conversation about what you you see, what interests you and what disinterests you in the show at the Longview Cultural Arts Center. I think I am going to offer extra credit to anyone willing to write one-page about the show.

Drawing 1 - we are going to begin employing some of those shading techniques that we practiced in class on Tuesday. We will be working with graphite and with charcoal so make sure you bring your drawing supplies. We will also be talking about positive/negative space and figure/ground theory.

Drawing 2 - you will begin your final and last drawing in the series. This drawing will be your most detailed and will require the next two class periods. Continue thinking about figure/ground relationships in your drawing as well as how foreshortening effects the way you depict the "object".

Drawing 3 - you have two more class periods to start and complete the value portion of your 3-Object Environment drawing. This will be where we begin discussing a comparative approach to seeing the values within the space.

Thanks guys

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Welcome to Class

Hello Drawings Students,
I hope you are looking forward to a fun semester. At this point all of you should have received your syllabus and materials list. In tonight's class you will need to come ready to draw.

Drawing 1 students will be focusing on understanding the structural properties of line and how line should be used to inform how and where value is used. Value is the relationship between light and dark. This semester you will be learning how to use value to create the illusion of three-dimensionality as well as to express emotive qualities within your work.

Drawing 2 students will begin a drawing that incorporates a single object...enough said for now.

Drawing 3 students will begin a drawing that is site specific and incorporates three architectural elements or subjects of interest. This drawing will be a study in perspective, figure/ground and the effective use of value and texture to create a realistic image. Dialog will focus on how the space between the "elements" creates are relationship between the subjects.

If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with me.
