Thursday, October 30, 2014


Tonight please bring your printed image to class, printed big enough to fill and 8.%"x11" piece of paper. Be ready to draw your face!!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Class on Thursday is cancelled.

Next Tuesday please bring your finished figure drawings.


Monday, October 20, 2014


Tomorrow we will be doing a graphite drawing in your Strathmore Fine Paper Pads. You will be doing a full class period for one single figure drawing.

Thursday, October 2, 2014


Critique Schedule

Thursday night (tonight)
Nikki, Lori, Robin, Shayna, Bailey, Nick, Brandon

Tuesday (next week)
Latoya, Sam, Emily, Vanessa, Sarah, Tiffany, Nallely

Thursday, September 25, 2014


Drawing 1 -
Tonight you will begin the final drawing in you series of still-life drawings. In the previous class we discussed the idea of "abstraction" as a way for an artist to compartmentalize, re-define, interpret and determine preference. When an artist makes the decision to edit their composition, they are entering into a conversation about abstraction, even if their imagery is representational.

In this project you will be creating an abstract image that draws from the still-life like a palette. Each object and form is at your disposal to manipulate, change or remove. The way you include forms and depict them should be related to an idea or emotion that you want to express. You are at liberty to create a narrative from the objects or make an image that is more elemental, textural, layered or surreal.

Drawing 2 - You will begin implementing the ideas that you came up with in the last class period. Please bring the supplies and material necessary for creating your image (you don't have to use traditional drawing mediums). Please be ready to justify your decisions.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Hey Drawing 1,
You are going to begin a second drawing tonight focusing on the process of editing and artistic determination. We will discuss the beginning and the necessity of decision making in the artistic process.

Drawing 2
We are going to begin a drawing that re-introduces the idea of portraiture. Bring whatever drawing materials you have and be prepared to do some research.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Drawing 1 -
We begin a new series of drawings tonight that focus on still-life but more importantly the history of abstraction and the concept of "editing" what we see based on preference. Tonight we will be working on a drawing that will take one full class period. Please bring your supplies and be ready.

Our Master's Study will be due at critique - approx. two weeks.

Drawing 2 - tonight is your last night for your environment drawing.

This drawing will be due the night of critique - approx. two weeks.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Drawing 1 -
Okay, since the last class period we've determined you need one more night of work. Please be ready to finish  your Master's Study drawing tonight. You guys have worked really hard and I have been impressed with how open you all are to criticism throughout the process.

Next Thursday we will begin our second two week project, then critique.

Drawing 2 -
We will continue working on our environment/perspective studies this week. At this point in the drawing process you should be prepared to implement shading and analyze the value relationships in the space you are working in.

Also, please continue working in your drawing journals this week.


Thursday, September 11, 2014


Hey y'all,
tonight we will continuing our Master's Study. The attention will be on value and the understanding of contrast.

Drawing 2 will continue working in the hallway - don't let me forget to discuss our journals!!!

Monday, September 8, 2014


Drawing 1,
This week we will be working on our final drawing in the Master's Study Series. Please don't forget to come to class with your Geometric Drawing completed and ready to be graded/reviewed. We will be spending the majority of our time next week discussing techniques in replicating your image (scale, placement, proportion, space, value, texture, etc).

Drawing 2,
You will begin an environment study. Please be prepared to use your graphite and Strathmore paper.

Thursday, September 4, 2014


Drawing 1,
We will continue working out Masters Study tonight by completing our Geometric Drawing and by Value Study. We will begin the Final Drawing tonight.

Drawing 2
Tonight is the last night to complete your Drawing of a Drawing of a Drawing. Remember the intent is that you begin challenging context  as well as basic understanding of perspective (how you see spacial relationships).

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Hey Drawing 1,
Do not forget to bring an 8.5"x11", color print of a famous Masterpiece to class. The work selected should be from either Renaissance, Baroque or Rococo art movements. The best place to find this work is in the MET's collection. HERE:

Drawing 2,
Please be prepared with you graphite pencil, a ruler and your large strathmore paper pad. If you don't have a ruler I can provide one. We are going to talk about perspective and spacial relationships.


Thursday, August 28, 2014


Begin class by dropping of bags and materials and going to the Longview Cultural Arts Center (building next door).

Drawing 1
Going to continue working with still-life and dealing with spacial relationships. We are going to specifically talk about negative (empty) space and how value relationships affect the object(s) itself. The heart of this conversation is a greater understanding of form and the relationship between figure and ground.

Drawing 2
We will begin the third in our series of drawings. We will discuss this more in class but please anticipate two days of working on this image. Graphite pencils are needed.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Drawing 1 - Last class period we devoted out time to reviewing form and basic principles of creating depth.We also began developing a series of value scales that will benefit us in our conversations about light relationships as well as help us with out shading techniques.

Tonight in class we will begin using our knowledge of value to introduce shading into form drawings. As the evening progresses our still-lifes will grow and the lighting will change in order to challenge the ways we see space and objects.

Drawing 2 - We will continue drawing our single object - altering its environment and juxtaposing it against your previous drawing. This will get more and more challenging as the drawing progresses. It is your responsiblity to complete each drawing, each class period. Make sure you are considering the relationship of the object to its environment.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Welcome to Class

Welcome to Drawing. This blog is intended to keep you updated to what is going on from day-to-day in class, due dates, critique dates and articles that are relevant to the class. Below is the list of materials that you will need for this Thursday (8/21). Thanks.

Materials List

Soft and Hard Charcoal (Charcoal pencils, Vine and Compressed)
H, F and B series pencils *see chart
Black India Ink and drawing tool with nib and Rigger/Liner Brush or Calligraphy (Sumi) Brushes
White square drafting eraser
Kneaded eraser
Pad of Newsprint (18x24 at least)
Pad of Strathmore-non-charcoal tooth (18x24 at least)
(You can purchase different sizes of paper, just make sure you have this size.)
Tote Box

Painters Tape or drafting tape
Prismacolor pencils and markers ($$)
Micron pens

Your materials list will be guided by the progression of our dialogue throughout the semester.

Your projects will vary dependent on your concepts.  Be ready to make purchases or use materials that are for specific projects throughout the semester.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Thank you for a great semester.

I will be e-mailing you shortly with a recap of your semester and my assessment. I will also attach your final grade. I saw a lot of talent and hard work this semester and I am hoping that many of you will continue taking art classes while in school.

For those interested in studying art or taking future art classes and want to practice over the summer…

Recommended Exercises:
            Observational Drawing (environmental, still-life and figure)
            Study online tutorials on one and two point perspective and try hallway drawing
            Practice value drawings and negative space drawing to better understand the relationship between figure and space.
            Folded Cloth and crinkled paper bag drawings to improve the subtleties in your value contrast

Recommended Reading:
            Drawing from The Modern, Volume 1-3
            Art: 21: Art in the 21st Century Series, Volume 1-3
            Vitamin P: New Perspective in Painting
            Art as Experience, John Dewey
            Relational Aesthetics, Nicolas Bourriard
            Bridgman’s Drawing Series, George Bridgman

          Interaction of Color: Revised and Expanded Edition by Josef Albers and Nicholas Fox Weber

            Chromophobia by David Batchelor 

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Remainder of the Semester

Hello Class, Here is the layout for the last three class sessions.

Thursday 4/24 - Studio Night
We will be continuing to work with out Alternative Media Project. Please have the adequate supplies needed to work and the the right questions to ask. At this point you should have a strong idea of what you are creating and be in the midst of the process.

Tuesday 4/29 - Studio Night/Projects Due (Portraits, Diptychs & Public Space Project) 
This will be the last night of studio session before critique. Your should be putting the finishing touches on your projects in preparation for Thursdays class. All Drawing 1-3 projects are due at the beginning of class. Please be ready to submit your work.

Thursday 5/1 - Critique Night 
This will be out last class period and you will be presenting your Alternative Media Projects to the class for critique.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Worth a listen

Interesting conversation about understanding contemporary art making in relation to the past. Check it out --

Monday, April 14, 2014

Tuesday the 15th

Last Night of work on this particular drawing. Introduction to our FINAL assignment tomorrow in class. Critique is May 1st.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Portraits (D1), Diptychs(D2) & Proposal Drawing(D3) you will be continuing with current drawings - studio night.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Drawing 1

Please come to class with your printed image!!!!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

April 3rd

Self Portrait - come ready to discuss facial proportions and how to distinguish unique facial features.
Patterns and Diptychs - come ready to research and photograph subjects for a diptych.

Drawings for a Site Specific Artwork - come ready to research and photograph environments for a site specific drawing - - - be ready to think creatively.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April 1st - Full Period Drawing

Tonight we will be doing one drawing. I am giving you the option of doing the drawing in graphite, ink or charcoal pencil. This drawing, along with the work you have invested over the last week, is worth 50 points. You will need your Strathmore pad tonight.


Monday, March 24, 2014

March 25th & 27th

Be prepared for a grueling yet fun week of figure drawing. Please bring pencils and charcoal and newsprint paper. See you there.

Interesting article on drawing as documentation:

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Figure Drawings

Drawing 1-3
Will be doing figure drawings tonight as an introduction to the human form. The next four class periods are worth a participation/effort grade and require your presence in class. Please bring your newsprint as well as your pencils and charcoal to class as they will all be used. E-mail if you have any questions.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Spring Break Message

Hello Class,
Don't forget to contact me with the progress of your drawings. I have offered several students feedback this last week but have yet to hear from some of you. Please e-mail with an image of your work.

Don't forget that critique is on Tuesday. Our current project is worth 100 pts.


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

3/4 - Studio Night

Hello Everyone,
Just a reminder that tonight is a studio night. The ideas that you began investigating last class period will begin to be actualized on your paper. A few things to remember:

Drawing 1:
1) Be creative and don't be scared to make ridiculous decisions.
2) Take ownership of the still-life - when you are finished your drawing should have your voice.
3) Fill your composition - don't waste space unless it is strategic to the imagery.
4) Ask yourself,  "have I abstracted this image?" - does this drawing meet the guidelines of "not being a natural occurrence". In other words, your final drawing should not be recognizable as something that could happen in the natural setting.

Drawing 2 & 3:
1) Compositional completeness - because this is a concept driven piece, challenge yourself to take the image as far as it needs to go. Constantly ask yourself "what makes this image finished" and be ready to justify that in critique.
2) Voice - Does the image have your voice? does it say what you want it so say about you or your idea?
3) Consider color - will your image demand the use of color or experimentation with different mediums?

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Drawing 1 - Tonight we will begin a still-life drawing

Drawing 2 - What is Portraiture?

Drawing 3 - Epic or Nothing?

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Tonight is the last studio night on our current drawings. Be prepared for critique on Thursday.

What is Art Criticism?
Art Criticism is crucial to an artist’s growth and ability to contribute to a larger dialog within art. In our class, critique happens both through the daily formative assessment of the instructor but also in the conversation between classmates. Through constructive analysis the individual artist should gain a more complete perspective concerning their own work.

After a project is completed we will conduct class critiques where students will display their work in front of their peers. The class will discuss each piece individually addressing both formal and conceptual aspects of work. Within these critiques students will be focusing on the successes of the work as well as potential room for improvements. Each individual viewer/critic must participate in the class conversation as it will have a direct reflection on class grade.

There are four major characteristics of art criticism that must be taken into consideration as we conduct critiques: description, analysis, interpretations and evaluation.

Description: In this step you will be asked to discuss formal aspects of the work that you can identify while viewing the work. This should not necessarily include personal opinion but describe the subject matter as well as artistic elements used within the composition.

Analysis: In this step you will discuss how the compositions formal elements have been organized and are interrelated. How do the components of the work interact? What are the similarities or contrasting elements? How are basic principles or techniques being used within a work.

Interpretation: The information described and analyzed is used to identify meaning or sub-text within the work. Through "interpretation" the viewer may seek to understand the ideas and expressive qualities of the work as experienced by the artist. The viewer/critics primary focus should be on how the work affects their personal thoughts. Personal interpretation should always be justified by evidence gathered from analysis.

Evaluation: Based on ones description, analysis and interpretation, how does the viewer judge the quality or success of the work? The following criteria may affect ones personal judgment: execution of technique, expressiveness, personal response, originality or position within cultural and historical contexts.

Regardless of how one responds to a work, constructive dialog must be the result. Through critical dialog artists’ grow and are stretched to consider their work less subjectively and with greater intention.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Important Dates FINAL

Continue working on the the Masters Series - Thursday 13th & Tuesday the 18th

Critique Night (D1-Masters Study) - Thursday the 20th

Editing Project - Tuesday the 25th, Thursday the 27th, March 4th, March 6th

Spring Break - March 9th-14th

CritiqueNight (D1-Editing) - March 18th & 20th

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Sorry for the late post,
Just FYI, we are continuing our Deconstruction series. Tonight we will focusing on the second and third drawing in the series. The second will be a "flattened" version of your masterpiece - simplified to its simplest shapes. The third drawing will be an accurate depiction of your masters image; with all detail, value and texture.


Drawing 2 & 3

Write a verse from a song that is stuck in your head. If you don’t know the words, write the humming sounds in verse.

Draw a picture of the name of the band. (ie. Black Keys=draw black keys)

draw an explosion - beneath it, name the place the location of the explosion

Write fours sentences in the center of a white page

Draw a line illustration of the content of those sentences

Find your favorite childhood book, bring it to class for Brandon to photocopy

Draw an interpretation of your classmates page - give it to them

Write a five word poem

Draw a five line drawing

Give a one sentence response to the following statement
Sochi Visitors Report Hotel Horrors, Dangerous Conditions”

Draw the United States from memory

photograph a page from a textbook and e-mail it to Brandon (

Draw an image from the highlighted sentence from the textbook

Take a mirror "selfie" and e-mail it to Brandon

Draw the revised photo

Sketch from memory your favorite childhood cartoon character

spill something on a page

Outline the spill until your outline extends past your page

find a pattern in your clothing and draw it until it fills an entire page

Write a two sentence reflection of this assignment.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

class 2/6/14

Hello Class,
We will be meeting tonight. Please make sure you bring your image and drawing utensils. Be ready to start working on the second drawing in our series of "Deconstructed" drawings.

Drawing 2 - - be ready to continue your environment drawings

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Bring a Masterpiece to Class 1/30

Hello Drawing 1 - Remember to bring a printed image from the Renaissance/Baroque era. When looking for a painting, please make sure it has human figures and sense of space and depth. An artistic study or a detail won't work.

Try searching here.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Drawing 1 - Continue discussing the relationship between line and value as it concerns the representational depiction of objects and forms. We will continue working with still-life tonight.

Drawing 2 - Last night of self-portrait series

Drawing 3- Environment/Perspective Drawing

Thursday, January 23, 2014


Drawing 1 - Continue working on shading and the discussion of value. We will begin still-life exercises in class today.

Art article for your pleasure.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Review and Preview - Tuesday, Jan. 21

Drawing 1 -
In the last class period we discussed how drawing, just as any art form, has to first and foremost be expressive in order for it to have meaning. If art is about technical depiction than it makes the artist work purely exercise. But if the artist is empowered to express; make their ideas, thoughts and emotions at the forefront of production, than it has great relevance.

We also discussed how technical ability affords artists the means to be expressive. In discussion we concluded that "line" as an element is at the heart of this. We discussed the expressive nature of line as well as the structural nature. We began doing drawings of single object still-lifes with the goal of representing forms (the illusion of three-dimensional objects). Our line drawings were the foundation for future work.

Tonight we will introduce value and discuss how depicting light can make "forms" come alive and provide true depth.

Drawing 2-
Tonight we will continue working with drawing 2 in our series.

Drawing 3-
Tonight we will continue discussing perspective and environments

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Class Preview: Thursday January 16th

Drawing 1 - Please have supplies ready tonight to begin working with structural line work.
Drawing 2 & 3 - Please have supplies ready to begin working on projects tonight.

Art news:

Materials List

Soft and Hard Charcoal (Charcoal pencils, Vine and Compressed)
H, F and B series pencils *see chart
Black India Ink and drawing tool with nib and Rigger/Liner Brush or Calligraphy (Sumi) Brushes
White square drafting eraser
Kneaded eraser
Pad of Newsprint (18x24 at least)
Pad of Strathmore-non-charcoal tooth (18x24 at least)
(You can purchase different sizes of paper, just make sure you have this size.)
Tote Box

Painters Tape or drafting tape
Prismacolor pencils and markers ($$)
Micron pens

Your materials list will be guided by the progression of our dialogue throughout the semester.
Your projects will vary dependent on your concepts.  Be ready to make purchases or use materials that are for specific projects throughout the semester.